Let's find out how good you are at geography.....
The "list" given on Wednesday was what are the SEVEN continents???
1. Antartica
2. Africa
3. Asia
4. Australia
5. Europe
6. North America
7. South America
So are feeling smart or like maybe you should've paid better attention in class?????
Friday, February 27, 2009
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: GuessThis List
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Things I Love Thursday!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: Things I Love Thursday
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Lists You Can Never Quite Recall # 5
Okay so it is time for yet another "List" for you to recall....
Name the SEVEN Continents
I will post the answers on Friday!!!!
Remember the rules??? If you are a first timer, there is no using books, internet, or computer in any way....Simply using your knowledge to recall the list or using other people in your family to help you!!! Have fun!!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: GuessThis List
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Practical Tip Tuesday
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: Practical Tip Tuesday
CVS Steals!!
Last night I made a CVS run mainly to pick up meds and milk....but I came home with all this......and the best part IT WAS FREE!!!!! Let me explain a bit. I had $35 worth of meds for the wonderful breathing machine my kiddos use when they have respiratory stuff going on so basically I paid for the meds and that's it. My total was $35.66!!!!!! I got 4 pairs of slippers, 2 bags of M&M's, 4 table cloths, (all these from the Valentine's CLEARANCE isle for 75% off), and then my 2 milks!!!!!!!
I used a $10 off $50 purchase coupon and then I had $15,58 that I had to use or loose in ECB's..
All of the "extras" I scored I am planning on using in give aways at an upcoming women's retreat.....YAHOOOO! I LOVE CVS!!!!!!!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 6:55 AM 1 comments
Labels: Bargain Finds
Monday, February 23, 2009
How to Reduce Your Monthly Grocery Bills...Part 1
I have been sharing all my great pics of my grocery runs each week, so I wanted to start sharing with you how I do it, and how YOU can easily do it too!!!
Okay so I also realize that not everyone is into the whole "Coupon Craziness" way of life that I thrive on! So I wanted to start off this series with a few money saving ideas for those of you that would like to decrease your monthly spending at the grocery store but not clip any coupons. As I progress through the series I will explain in detail my whole journey through learning how "Coupon Craziness" works for me and my family. It does work differently for each family. Each family has their own budget, and different quantity needs. PLEASE never feel like that the way I do things is the standard...never feel like my budget and what we spend it what your family has to spend. Simply use this information to learn how to get more for you hard earned money.
I also plan to share with you what I have learning through this whole process and thing reason why I think how we spend our money is so important...
Here are some ways you can save money without clipping coupons!!!
1. Meal Planning- I know I have mentioned this before, but I think this is one of the most steps you can take to save lots of $$$$$$. If decide to do nothing else throughout this series this step alone with save you bundles....and you will see immediate results!!!
2. Stick to Simple and Inexpensive Meals- I don't think you need to serve your family a 6 course meal each night in order to meet nutritional and health needs. Be creative think of simple and easy meals you can make with items you already have in your pantry.
3. Cook from Scratch as Much as Possible- This is something I am still learning to do, I am enjoying the fact that cooking from scratch doesn't have to be so scary and intimidating. I didn't grow up learning about cooking from scratch, so this is a challenge.
4. Shop Once per Week or Less- The simple fact of this step is the less you shop....the less money you spend!!
5. Shop Aldi-If you have an Aldi's in your area you really should be taking advantage of your staple items here. I also use their prices as my "Price Book prices". Which means I know what things cost at Aldi and then compare that to what I can buy things elsewhere. If I can get things cheaper somewhere else because of a sale and using coupons then I know I am getting a good deal.
6. If Aldi is not an option shop at a nearby store that runs sales. Plan your meals around the sale items.
7. Garden- For the first several years of our married life I had my own garden. As I started having babies I guess I ran out of time and energy to put out a garden (having 4 babies in 6 years does that I think!!) During these later years my mom and dad have graciously continued to put out a garden, much larger than they needed in order to let us reap the benefits at harvest time. (THANKS MOM AND DAD!!) This spring we are starting up our own garden again and I am very much looking forward to whole process of getting back into the groove!! So if you know you don't want to take on a garden yourself or maybe you don't have the space.....ask a friend to start a garden with you and share the responsibilities of taking care of it. Also you will the great joy in watching the garden grow and collecting things in the fall...at least know this could be an option.
These are the things we put up throughout the summer and fall:
*Corn, Green beans
*Spaghetti sauce, tomato juice, salsa
*Jams- strawberry and last year I did raspberry as well!
*Apple sauce and last year I tried pear sauce...yummy!
Another option is to go to U-pick farms and get your fruit when it is in season (saving you a bundle!) Then you have the option of freezing the fruit and keeping it for use later in shakes, smoothies, jam, baked goods, ect. I am hoping now that my kiddos are getting older this will become more of an option for us!! I am planning to U-pick some blueberries, strawberries, and maybe raspberries this coming year.
8. Hunting & Fishing- I also understand this is not a possibility for everyone but my husband, dad, and father-in-law all hunt and fish which helps to provide 90% of our meat supply. I know I don't need to explain to any of you how hard getting meat on a budget can be. Here are a few suggestions about saving money on meat.
*Get a cow butchered and split the meat and the cost between family or friends. If you aren't sure where to get a cow or how to go about this process ask around. I would recommend starting with a local butcher. I made a phone call last week to a butcher in my area and they offered this advice. (1) When you get meat from a local butcher whether it's a cow or whatever they can tell you where that meat came from, how it was raised, which can make a difference in the quality of meat. (2) They can package you meat to meet you families needs. For instance, if you buy some freezer beef they can put 6 steaks in a package or 2 steaks in a package whatever you need.(3) If you don't want a full cow and you don't have anyone to split it with you can even buy a 1/2 of a 1/2 of beef!! I though that was a great option you might want to think about taking advantage of. The great thing about getting meat this way if you usually pay the same for hamburger that you pay for steak!!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Coupon Craziness, Finances, How to Reduce Your Grocery Bill
Friday, February 20, 2009
Preparing To Party!

First we started with making the cake. My Mother in law makes this great "jello cake" at birthdays, and we all totally LOVE it! I also love it because it's SOOOO easy! I plan to post next week on the food we are having tonight and the recipes...just in case you all want to try something new. Just for a little preview....I made Taco Soup, Mexican Casserole, and Jello cake, and ice cream for dessert. (Zach was my cake helper, he did a great job mixing!)

Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 1:21 PM 2 comments
Labels: family
Gettin' Ready To Party!!
Today is a party day for us!!! Tonight we are celebrating Caleb's 6th Birthday!!!! (His actual birthday is Sat the 21st.) So I am planning to take some pics throughout the day of our prep work and all the fun....In hopes I will be able to post all the happening this afternoon... For now I thought I would share some more fun pics of the BIRTHDAY BOY!!! (Even though he seems to be the feature of my pics here lately.)
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 8:09 AM 2 comments
Labels: family
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Things I Love Thursday!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 2:58 PM 2 comments
Labels: Things I Love Thursday
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Mid Week Funny!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: family, Mid Week Funny, Special moments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Meijer and Menards Bargains!!
Okay, so I decided to make the trip to town today. I was able to take just Caleb with me, so we had a FANTASTIC day with just the two of us!! Our first stop in town, MENARDS....I was able to get all the FREEBIES this time!!!! 2 Paint brushes, a measuring tape, 2 liquid nails, a square, 4 batteries, a some magnetic something kit( I have no idea what this is but I know hubby does)...For my $10 purchase I got some flower seeds..I was so excited when I saw them !! I was able to get some perennials and annuals, so now I need to get my seed containers ready so I can start them...WOOOHOOO!!!!
Next was MEIJER..... Again I did two transactions this time around and I was very happy with what I ended up with this week!!
I won't list each item, since you can check out the picture, but I will tell you I got 32 items and only spent $21.81!!!!!!! Caleb was the most happy about the cereal and free milk deal we did. (Even though we already have about 12 boxes of cereal...he thinks you can never have enough Apple Jacks or Fruit Loops in the house.)
So have you all been getting your Menards rebates yet??? I sent my first one on Jan. 22nd, so I hope to get one back this week...that would be in the 4-6 week mark....but I know it could a little while longer as well! Leave me a comment on how long your rebates have been taking you....
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: Bargain Finds
Monday, February 16, 2009
Date night/ Meijer Run
Friday night was so great!!! Hubby and I went on our date night and had a great time alone together...no interrupted sentences....no referring any fights....no sharing our food or drinks.....no distracting anyone while we waited for our table or food.....just a sweet time of adult time alone!! Of course by the end of the night we are always ready to jump back into doing all the fun things I listed....it keeps us young...HMMMM maybe crazy...no...well anyway it keeps things exciting none the less!!!
Well we knew our romantic date night wouldn't be complete without a Meijer run...just kidding that really isn't up there on the romantic ometer at all but since we were in town and we had over 1 1/2 hours to wait for our table I had planned a trip to Meijer just in case. Since we got home late I skipped over the picture this week...sorry for you picture lovers....but here is the list of what I got. I did two transactions in order to get the maximum savings from my coupons. Combining both transactions I got 48 items for $47.00. I was very happy with that!!
12 pringles
2 wishbone salad dressings
1 Lysol Disinfectant
2 Activia 4pcks of yogurt
4 boxes of Chex mix bars
2 boxes of BC fruit snacks
4 BC brownie mixes
4 BC warm delights
2 BC frosting
1 skippy peanut butter
2 boxes Fiber one bars
4 Toaster Strudels (Scramblers)
2 Ready to Bake cookie doughs
2 margarine
2 lunch meats
@ 2lbs grapes
Great trip I thought although if we hadn't already been in town I would not have made the trip because most of these items were not nessecity items. Have you seen the ad for this....not to promising...I just glaced over it for a minute so maybe with a closer look I will see more ad match-ups. Okay for this next statement you might want to be sitting down.......
I did not make a trip to CVS or Walgreens today which is such a rarity to not go to either one..I really didn't see anything I had to have deal wise at either place so I decided to skip both this week. Also I did not hit Kroger this week.......so I will rely on what I have in stock and what I got a Aldi and Meijer this weekend to get me through till I find more deals...THUS the beauty of having a well stocked pantry to go to!!!!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bargain Finds
List #4 You Can Never Quite Recall!!!!!!
1. Bashful
2. Dopey
3. Happy
4. Doc
5. Grumpy
6. Sleepy
7. Sneezy
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: GuessThis List
Friday, February 13, 2009
Lists You Can Never Quite Recall # 4
Okay so I am a goof ball, well most of you know that already!!! I made the mistake of publishing people's answers before I give the answers...tempting some of you to cheat....but I am happy to report that none of you did!!!!
I am still wanting to hear from more of you! So far TWO DEVOTED BLOGGER friends have answered my silly "list" questions.....come on I know more of you are checking in with me each day. DON'T BE SHY...email me the answers if you don't want to figure out the iGoogle account thing, although is should be easy enough to do. I have heard from several of you saying that you are having some issues getting your comments on. Just fyi I do moderate my comments (which means I want to see them before everyone else sees them on my blog.) I only do that to eliminate the chance of someone I don't know putting something inappropriate on my blog. ANYONE have any helpful hints for those folks with issues with getting their comments on??? If so let know and I will pass on the info.
Let's get to it, I just know your all biting your finger nails waiting for the next challenge....okay so maybe not....HERE IT IS!!!!!
I will post the answers for you all on MONDAY!!!!
Have a great weekend.....maybe even a date night with your sweatheart for V-DAY!!!!!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: GuessThis List
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wonder What I've Been Up To?????
Well this is pretty much how I was feeling all of last week!!!! I had two kiddos with bronchitis, then those two also ended up with ear infections (and they both have tubes and shouldn't get ear infections anymore!)
Then by the end of the week my 3rd kiddo had respiratory issues.......So by this past Tuesday I had been to the Pediatrician FOUR times!!!!!
I am happy to report this week we are doing much better as a whole. Two out of the three are all better, we are still waiting on Julia to start getting better. Yesterday did seem to get a little better, so I am hopeful maybe we have starting turning things around......
Since Julia has been getting so many breathing treatments the past two weeks, she is a pro!! We have discovered she loves listening to music while hanging out getting her treatments. Here she thinks she might want to change up music selection....
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: family
Here are the answers to Tuesday's question....... I know a couple of you thought there were only four oceans ( me too) but this is what the "Real Simple" magazine said the answers were!
Name the 5 OCEANS
1. Pacific
2. Atlantic
3. Indian
4. Southern
5. Arctic
So how'd you do???? Look for the next list to recall on Friday!!!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: GuessThis List
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Mid Week Funny!
Okay, well let me explain!! It is a "ritual" at our house that after the kids take a shower/bath they go stand in front of the stove to warm up and dry off....Well I caught two of my boys...whose name I will no mention...pulling up a chair and warming up side by side.
I just couldn't help myself.......I had to grab my camera and capture the moment! I am sure they will thank me later...or maybe not..
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: Mid Week Funny
Hello Again Aldi's/ What We Are Eating
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bargain Finds, Meal planning
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Lists You Can Never Quite Recall # 3
For this List you only have to come up with 5 answers...maybe a little easier than 7 or 8....then again maybe not.
Okay here is the "List you need to Recall"
In case you just joining this whole fun thing...no computer help, no book help...simply brain power that's it.....I know for some of us that is a little scary!!! GOOD LUCK, answers on THURSDAY!!!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: GuessThis List
Monday, February 9, 2009
Kroger Run Saturday
As you can see I got 3 packs of diapers and other stuff and I paid $26...I got free toilet paper, free betty crocker potatoes, reduced bananas and cheap everything else....I think I got 15 items for the $26 dollars..I thought that was good considering the diapers took up most of that money..
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: Bargain Finds
Apple Cake
Okay so the last installment of the new recipes does not fit the 5-7 ingredient protocol, BUT it is a dessert so there are not such rules for desserts!!!!
1 cup sugar 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 cup butter 1/2 tsp. baking soda
4 apples 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 egg 1 /2 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 cup chopped walnuts 1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup flour
Mix together the sugar and butter until well blended. Core, peel, and dice the apples. Beat the egg, mix in vanilla, and walnuts the add the apples. Mix sugar/butter with apple mix. Sift remaining ingredients and mix batter. Grease an 8" square pan and pour batter into it. Cook for 45 minutes at 350 and let cool.
Mmmmmmmmm!!! I can taste it already!!!!! Feel free to make this for me and drop it by......just kidding, but seriously does that not sound like something everyone at your house would LOVE!!!
Well that ends the new recipes with 5-7 ingredients series.....for now anyway...I am always looking for new one to try!!!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Recipe Ideas
List #2 You can never quite recall......Name the 8 Reindeer that pull Santa's sleigh..
1. Dasher
2. Dancer
3. Prancer
4. Vixen
5. Comet
6. Cupid
7. Donner (also called Donder...I've never heard it but the article says this is true)
8. Blitzen
I think this has been so fun....I REALLY WANT TO HEAR FROM MORE OF YOU!!!!!!! hint..hint.....hint...PLEASE comment I LOVE reading them!!!!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: GuessThis List
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Breakfast Casserole
I thought this sounded yummy to make on Saturday and then have it ready to put in the microwave for Sunday morning.......if I was a "good" mommy I would wake up really early and have it fresh out of the oven when everyone woke up Sunday morning. Well around here I think the first option works better for me...what about you??????
Breakfast Casserole
24 oz. frozen shredded potatoes
2 cups shredded cheese
2 cups cooked ham
salt and pepper
1 can cheddar cheese soup
milk (2 soup cans full)
10 eggs
optional: 1/2 cup each
Chopped onion
chopped green pepper
sliced mushrooms
Combine all ingredients except shredded cheese. Mix and beat very well. Put into a 3 qt. casserole dish and top with cheese. Bake at 350 for 45-55 minutes or until you can put a knife in the center and it comes out clean.
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Recipe Ideas
Friday, February 6, 2009
Cajun Chicken Casserole with Cornbread Crust
Here is the second installment of new recipes I am passing along from the COUNTRY DOOR decorating magazine of all places..... It falls into the 5-7 ingredients range for the main dish (the toppings adds 3 more ingredients) but I thought it sounded easy to put together as well....
Canjun Chicken Casserole with Cornbread Crust
2 1/2 lbs. (I would say 3-4 breasts) cooked chicken, diced
1/4 cup green pepper, minced
1/4 onion, minced
1/4 celery, diced
2 cans of mushroom soup
1/4 cup pimentos, diced
Mustard (it doesn't list how much)
Combine chicken and other ingredients in a large bowl. Stir well. Pour into a 9 x 13 pan.
8 oz. cornbread mix
8 oz. chicken stock, double strength
1/4 cup butter, melted
Preheat oven to 350. Combine in a large bowl the topping ingredients, stir well. Sprinkle over casserole. Bake 15- 20 minutes or until crust is golden brown and casserole is bubbly.
Serves 10
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Recipe Ideas
Lists You Can Never Quite Recall # 2
Okay well I realize Christmas has come and gone, but the next list was a must do....
Name the EIGHT reindeer that pull Santa's sleigh.......
Remember no computer or book helps...simply brain power....GOOD LUCK!!! The answers will be given on Monday!!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: GuessThis List
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Recipe for Simple Broccoli Casserole
Before I give the recipe for the Casserole I thought I should let you in on a weakness of mine....I LIKE SIMPLE COOKING....recipes with 5-7 ingredients and take 15 min. or less to prep!!!! I love being able to make something homemade and good for my family, but it has to be quick because I don't' have a lot of extra time for tons of prep. work!!!!!
I got this recipe from an unusual place.....a decorating catalog.....It's called COUNTRY DOOR...maybe some of you get it....well the recipes caught my eye and I thought over the next few days I would share them with you. I just got the catalog today so I haven't tried any of them yet, but hope to soon!!! Please leave me a comment if you try any of them and let me know what you thought of the recipe and how your family liked it!!!!
Lila's Simple Broccoli Casserole
10 oz. package of frozen broccoli, thawed
10 3/4 oz. can of cream of chicken soup
10 3/4 oz. can of cream of mushroom soup
6 oz. package of herb-flavored stuffing mix
1/2 cup butter, melted
Preheat oven to 350. Place broccoli, and soups in a buttered dish 1 1/2 qt. casserole dish and mix well. Toss the stuffing in a bowl with the melted butter and add to casserole dish. Stir mix. Bake 40- 45 minutes.
Well I think it surely sounds simple enough to try...don't you??????
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Recipe Ideas
8 Planets You Can Never Quite Remember
If you have no idea what this title refers to see Monday's post on "List You Can Never Quite Recall". After reading that post you will be up to speed on what will be going on here the next few weeks as we go through the list together.
Here are the planets in order starting from the closest to sun.
1. Mercury
2. Venus
3. Earth
4. Mars
5. Jupiter
6. Saturn
7. Uranus
8. Neptune
****Pluto was a planet until 2006, when it was demoted to a dwarf-planet status****
Friday I will post the new "List" you need to recall!!!! See you then!!!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: GuessThis List
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Mid Week Funny!
Here is a picture of my 5 year old Caleb (soon to be 6) "ROCKIN' IT!" the other day!!!! Complete with the 70's hair and all (thanks to a wig his daddy found years ago and can't bring himself to part with )
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: Mid Week Funny
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Please Pray!
I have a few things I would like prayer for in my family.
ZACH: I took Zach to the doctor yesterday and found out he had Bronchitis...which it what I thought. I am thankful it had not yet progressed to pneumonia!! So starting today we are doing breathing treatments every 4 hours.
JULIA: Julia started her coughing yesterday morning and I also put her on breathing treatments. Since I am familiar with all the respiratory stuff, I knew she needed treatments as well......SOOOOO 2 kiddos doing breathing treatments every 4 hours on top of everyday stuff equals a really busy mommy!!! I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong. Today has went very well and I know the Lord is giving me extra patients and grace moment by moment.
TERRY: My dad is having neck surgery on Thursday morning at 11am. He has degenerative discs so they are fusing disc 3 &4 together and all that....About five years ago he had discs 5, 6, & 7 fused. Unfortunately that means he knows how painful it is to wake up from surgery, so pray for peace for him through all that.
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 1:53 PM 3 comments
Labels: Prayer Needs
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Mix
Around Christmas time I wanted to put together some of those "cookies in a jar mixes", well bummer that I never ended up following through with that...there is always next year :)
Well anyway I came across a website that gave several different choices in the mixes....I went for the Oatmeal Raisin Cookie mix and then last week I finally got around to making some.....better late that NEVER!!! Anyhoo, here is the recipe. They turned out REALLY GOOD!!! My hubby thought they were the best cookies he'd ever had...he thought they were "hardy cookies". Well even if he just said it to make me feel good.....it worked and I plan to make them again SOONER rather than later........HAPPY BAKING!!
1/2 cup Sugar
3/4 cup Raisins or Chocolate Chips (that is what I did)
1 cup flaked Coconut, packed
1 cup Corn Flakes, crushed (I used Fiber One Cereal, b/c that was the closest thing I had)
3/4 cup Brown Sugar
3/4 cup Quick oats
1 1/4 cups Flour
3/4 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
1/4 Salt
1/2 cup Butter or Margarine, softened
1 egg, slightly beaten
1 tsp. Vanilla
In a bowl, mix all dry ingredients,then add in all the other wet ingredients. Mix with hand if needed. Shape dough into balls the size of walnuts. Place 2 inches apart on greased baking sheet.
Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes (until edges are slightly brown)
Cool 5 minutes on a baking sheet.
Makes 2 1/2 dozen.
If you would like to try out some more options you can go to http://www.LivingOnADime.com
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Recipe Ideas
Calling All Bargain Shoppers/ Couponers
Well much to my surprise I have been asked to do a "couponing" workshop a our church's women's retreat this year (March 20-21).........So I come to you all with a question!!!
Give me an idea of what I should make sure to include....I am starting to compile a list of things but wanted your input as well....I am by no stretch of the imagination a PRO at couponing...I am still learning my self after 7 months, but I am more than happy to share what I know!!
The workshop is going to zero in on KROGER, MEIJER, and ALDI shopping.
1. What have been the most helpful things about bargain shopping/ couponing that I should share?
2. What has the thing you wish you would have known years ago??
3. Just share any hints you think I need to make sure and mention...
After I finish my draft for the workshop I will be sure to post a series on it so you all can help add or delete things ......thanks for your help!!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 8:19 AM 4 comments
Labels: How to Reduce Your Grocery Bill
Monday, February 2, 2009
Well I am not sure what happened! I created a post that was suppose to publish on Thursday..the answers to today's post and for some ODD reason it published with today's......WEIRD!!! I had the correct date in and all so I am sorry if you get updates through a reader of some sort....your already have the answers to "The list". If you don't subscriber to a reader then you will see I have deleted the answers from today 's post......sorry this message maybe confusing but I want to clarify things a bit!!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: GuessThis List
Lists You Can Never Quite Recall
I stumbled across this article in "Real Simple" Magazine, (it was passed to me after my sil was done reading it). The page was titled 9 lists you can never quit recall. I thought it was cute!! So for the next couple weeks I will post the topic you comment on what you think the list is then I will post the correct answers!!!
I know there are over 20 people who daily check my blog ( I have google analytics, which tells me how many people are visiting my site and from what town they live in...cool huh??!!) Anyhoooo....there are only about 2 people who leave comments...I want to hear from you all...that's what makes this blogging thing even more fun!!!
1. set up a google account which will include your email address and a password you make up.
OR 2. leave a comment and click Anonymous. and your comment will publish..be sure to leave your name though so I know who you are :)
1. No googling, no dicitionaries, no books to look things up in at all. ONLY list what you can recall by memory....although you can ask others like kiddos, spouses, ect.....
DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
List the 8 planets in the solar system
I will post the correct answers on THURSDAY this week...stay tuned!!!
GOOD LUCK!!!!! If nothing else these recalling these lists might make good supper conversation!
Posted by The Gaertegang Homestead at 7:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: GuessThis List