Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The First Swap Meet of the Season

This past weekend, we arose at 4:15 am to head off on an Adventure! SWAP MEET TIME HAS ARRIVED!
These two cuties have been waiting for their bunnies so patiently for a couple months.

 Meet Julia's rabbit (both are a mini-rex & 8 wks old.) Peter, and Zach's bunny Rusty...They both are adorable and so very calm. The are both treasuring their new found responsibility of feeding and exercising them each day.

Along with the bunnies, we scored several things: bolts (for my clothes line), Carhart bibs for Lance, 5 lbs of fresh rhubarb ( only $1 per bundle!!), an old barn siding frame, a wooden box for storing some of our potatoes this coming winter! It's always so fun to go and check out what things they will have. Each month they have different things...if you've never been to one you should go!


aje said...

o man...ella LOVES rabbits. I think we need to set up a play date! :)

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