Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bunny Love...

Our new bunny friends....we can't get enough of them!
Yep, he lays on his back so we can pet his belly...to funny!

 Since two weeks ago when when Peter & Rusty joined the Homestead they have been doted on, and looked after very well by the two littlest people in the family. They have been very diligent about getting them out to exercise them each day, along with essential cuddle time.
 It's a good thing these little bunnies like people, because they get handled a lot! The dog even thinks they are fun to sit and watch. Last Sunday we have a bunny (wild, not a pet) in the garden, and Jasper just sat their and watched him like a good ole' boy. I giggled because he didn't realize the bunny wasn't invited and it was okay to chase him away. I was very proud that he was such a good puppy and didn't chase him because that's what we had taught him when the baby bunnies were near him.


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