Thursday, July 8, 2010

Just for the JOY of it!

It has been a couple of weeks since I've joined up HERE for Just for the JOY of it! This week (yesterday actually) I was sooooooooo thrilled to get this back!!!!!
I had to leave my wedding rings at the jeweler for about 3 1/2 weeks. I had to have some work done....Over the past years I have had several issues with my solitaire getting loose (because it's a princess cut...I guess they cause issues often).

I love how it looks all super shiny when you get it back from the jeweler.....I wish it stayed that way! Plus, I have always loved my ring...Hubby did an amazing job picking it out all by himself didn't he? Over the years I have come to love what this really represents. Our devotion and commitment, another, how much I truly LOVE my spouse, the hard times, the good times, the children we've added to our home, our growth in God as we walk through our life journey together. I always remember the night he proposed to me...such joy. When the diamonds catch my eye, I remember back to the fantastic wedding day we shared......what a party that was! JOY.....JOY......JOY!!!

I would love it if you left me a comment telling me one thing that has brought you JOY this week.



Valerie @ Composition-Life said...

Wow that is a beautiful ring! I know even though they are 'material" the symbolism behind them means the world to my husband and I. We will celebrate our 23rd anniversary this month - and my husband has NEVER taken his ring off. His heart behind that - makes me smile!

Joyfull said...

It is a beautiful ring. I had to have mine repaired in the past and remember what joy it brought to have it back!

Alicia said...

It's beautiful! Reminds me that I need to clean mine...

Anonymous said...

glad to hear you finally got it back and it looks great again!

linda said...

What has brought me joy this week?
Reading the wonderful posts from all the wonderful people.

Rockin Momma said...

Thanks for stopping by my site (

What part of the state are you from? We're in the southern part. What zoo is this? Indy?

you can replied to me at my email:

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