Saturday, July 28, 2012

Greased Pig Wrestling at it's FINEST!

At our local 4-H fair they added a new grandstand event...."Pig Wrestling". These were teams of FOUR that were divided into age groups 9-12, 13-17, 18 and over. All teams had to be all boy/men or all girl/women no CO-ED team allowed. Here is a picture of the 37 teams that participated.
 Here are the rules: 
Each team is timed. They have to get the pig and then set it on the tire in the center of the mud pool. They have a maximum of ONE minute before the buzzer. The fastest team to accomplish this wins!
 Here is the lot of pigs! 
The man chose a pig for each age group according to the size of the kids (adults).
 Here is our group "The Four Porkateers" in action!
 Lance is holding on for his you can see the pig had a few things to say about that.
 Every time they got close to picking up the pig it wiggled it's way out.
 They talked and planned for two whole days on their attack on the pig for two days. 
After they were finished, they asked it they could go again because they didn't follow their plan at all.
They didn't make their time limit, but my two boys are already planning for next year! This was by far my favorite Grand Stand Event!! Good Family FUN at it's best!!


Farmlife Chick said...

Love it! Here's a little tip for next year! Grab the pig by its back legs and lift it up. This usually prevents them from being able to wiggle around. It works every te for us when the piglets get out. We learned after we struggled the first few times & got pooped on! Have fun next year and good luck!

Stephanie Reed said...

Pssst...they forgot to share the plan with the pig!

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