Friday, December 16, 2011

Our New Tradition in the School Room!

I saw this idea several years ago, but always after December is already almost over. I was thankful that I ran across it this year at the end of November. We wrapped up all books to do with winter/Christmas and put them under our little tree in the school room. Each day we select a new book to read aloud. One "student" gets to pick the book, another gets to unwrap it, then yet another gets to remove a link on our "Number of Days till Christmas" chain. I usually read aloud the books, but this week I have fighting off a chest cold and sore throat so Lance has taken over at the times he has been needed.

 Our little tree with all our books
 Our Number of Days till Christmas Chain
 Flat Stanley Christmas Adventure was our first book
 We sat around the table in our own coffee shop drinking hot chocolate while reading this book.
 Lance reading a Magic Tree House book to us all
We LOVE reading at our house........


Violet P said...

Helloo mate great blog post

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