Monday, December 5, 2011

Fun in the Classroom!

We started a couple of new fun classroom traditions this year, and we thought we would share them with you all.
First, we wrapped up all the winter related or Christmas books we had in the house. Each school day starting on Dec 1st, we unwrap one book to read aloud. Some of the books will take up 2-3 days of read aloud time so we didn't have to have so many! The kids are loving unwrapping them each day!
Our second new classroom tradition...making a count down chain! Caleb made our "Number of Days till Christmas sign". Julia, Zach, & Lance cut out the strips for our chain. Starting Dec. 1st we remove one ring each school helps the kids remember how many more days till Christmas. For some reason, the kids are extra excited about Christmas this year. Before we started this project he kids were asking me SEVERAL times a day..."How many more days till......" NOW THEY KNOW!
Less than 3 weeks till Christmas now...are you ready?


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