Friday, December 18, 2009

Random Thoughts~~Because that's all I got in me today....

Well I hope you are finding some peace amongst the Christmas craziness. We have baked, wrapped (even re-wrapped a present that Julia thought was for her to open), and of course decorated. We are ready for all the family festivities to begin. We kick things off tonight like all other Americans, with a Bluegrass jam, okay so maybe not everyone does this....grins....just my husband and some others. Saturday and Sunday we have get togethers with extended family. It should be a good time....the kids can hardly stand all the excited that Christmas brings! I am not sure how many more "How many days till we open presents?" I can handle!!!  At the same time, I remember feeling that same way at their age....yes I can remember that long ago! One issue that is bothering me.....I CAN NOT find our stockings anywhere....grrr!!!! I guess I will just have to get creative and think of something else to use...shouldn't be to much of a challenge.....I am open to ideas you might have though......leave me a comment!!!

I would ask that you pray for Miss. Julia and myself. We both went to the doctor on Wednesday both diagnosed with sinus infections....nice of her to share, huh? Not so much! I'm totally annoyed and want to start feeling better. So pray the medicines will start doing their job FASTER!!! Also prayers that we don't pass it on to the rest of the brood in the mean time.....although Hubby has been complaining of a sore throat the past couple of days....which how mine started...ugh! Of course, he's not to sick to play some music tonight though...funny how that works....grins....

Well I am hoping to maybe post some pictures on Monday or Tuesday about our Christmas's this weekend, but I am not making any promises. (I figured you all are going to be busy yourself and probably won't even notice.) I am thinking it's time for a little blogging break during the holidays.... HEY!!!! DON'T forget to enter my current giveaway for that adorable Breezy hat!!!! (ends 12/31)

Remember leave me comments on what I could use instead of the stockings I can't find.....

What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions you do with your family!

Here are a few of ours:
1. Load up and go check out Christmas lights!!!
2. Have Lance read Luke 2 before opening gifts.
3. We open stockings together & then go around room opening one present at a time (it makes the gift opening last a little longer instead of everyone tearing into everything and being done in 5 minutes.)
4. At Justin's grandparents, we start with the youngest in the family and they open all their gifts....then we move to the next youngest...and so on.....builds character in the kids because they have to wait their we can actually see what everyone gets..LOVE that!
5. To share the love a little, one year we go to my in-laws for Christmas day and the next year we are at my parents house for Christmas me it never really matters what day we get together, but it does to some.....we started this when we had our first child...worked ever since!

Merry CHRISTmas and thanks for stopping in to visit The Gaertegang.....much appreciated!



Megan said...

Funny I can't find mine either!!!! I'm just using bags for them this year and I'll just bring out a bag of gifts for each kid!! I don't think they'll care!

But I'll be watching in case someone comes up with some brillant fun idea for you!!

Merry Christmas, hope you feel better soon!

Mominin said...

Hats and Mittens?


Jackie said...

I found everyone's stocking but mine! My husband's, my two daughters', the dog's. I even found stockings for the two dogs and parakeet we no longer have...but my stocking is no where to be found.

In place of stockings, you could wrap the bottom of a box in Christmas wrapping paper and line it with garland and place the gifts on top of the garland (kind of like an easter basket).

Or you could use snow boots...of course I'd put a plastic bag inside to the line boot first.

And of could always use daddy's socks!

Sab said...

I made my stockings, and for some reason I don't lose cheap things, just expensive ones, haha. Oh, as for an idea, we've done actual socks before (I made stockings for my parents by stealing a pair of my dad's huge socks from the laundry room a week before Christmas... he thought the dryer ate them). We've also done "Christmas Bowls" growing up. You put all the stuff in a large bowl and place it at the child's spot at the dinner table (if you have 'spots'... we did. That was MY place, etc, haha). Worked well when we had no place to hang stockings (we used a cardboard box fireplace... wouldn't hold up to stuff in the stockings too well).

As for Christmas traditions, we had similar ones at my parents. Not so much anymore. My husband's family celebrates Christmas eve, mine on the day, and so we spend all day there. But we definetly open gifts one at a time at my folks and here. Not at my husband's family gathering, though. Yes... done in 5. Not as much fun. :)

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