Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Potluck Survival Guide~~Mama Buzz Review

Oh ladies, I am so thrilled to tell you about this book.....I guess that is what you call it...Cook book, Tips/Hints book, "How-to Book", Calculator book, I mean really this book does it ALL!!!! This wonder Survival Guide is written by Cherie Kimmons, published by Five Star Publications, and sells for $18.96. (which is on sale)
Hold onto to your seat because I am about to say something shocking......THIS IS A MUST HAVE BOOK!!!!!! This book is worth WAY MORE than the sticker price....I can't believe I am saying that, but honestly girls you need one. This master piece is filled with close to 300 recipes I am thinking....I actually tried to count them, but with 4 kids and a husband I kept getting interrupted and losing count so somewhere after 250 I gave up. Okay so 300 recipes and then Cherie has filled this book with invalueable information on hints/tips on each recipe!!!! I love it when other people can make the mistakes and then tell me about them...saves me time, money, and frustration. All these great hints help to ensure I make the best food I can in less time....I LOVE that!!! Cherie talks about preparing meals for your childrens sports teams, classroom gathers, and  any other large group. She gives suggestions on food to serve as even provides you with an amazing chart to calcualte how much food to make for that event. As I went through this GUIDE I felt like I was learning so many things I hadn't heard before! Helpful things that I wondered why I hadn't seen before in other cookbooks and what not. I feel that this book is great for women in all season of life as well. If you are a young married you will learn a wealth of information on how to cook great meals for your spouse. If you are a mommy of many children, again this book provides all that info, and we all know that our kids grow up and then have friends over. Since I have 3 boys ( one girl too), I know that having some friends over will one day equal feeding a small army with large appetites!!! Also those children will be involved in all sorts of activities that will require needing to fix food for many active teens! If your children are all grown, well then that equals them having their own families and now your a grandma and have many more mouths to feed.
So really I feel like I couldn't say enough positive things about this book....I am slowly working my way through each page and combing over all the great information. I have up to this point been skipping around and checking all the different sections out so I could get a good idea of the book and what it had to offer....which is a lot of must know goodies!!!

Thank you to Five Star Publications!! The Gaertegang appreciates being a part of this great tour of Potluck Survival Guide!!


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