Friday, March 8, 2013

February Festivities

Last month was full of fun, and here are a few other happenings.
Lance is now the third child to need vision correction...Before
AFTER: He wasn't very happy about having to get
 them, but has since warmed up to the idea of being able to see much better.
 I think he looks rather handsome, although I am completely biased. I think he looks very teenager-ish, don't you?
 We visited the library and grabbed a few things to read. These three books were my selections.
 So naturally we snuggled up and passed our time reading them before we had to give them back.
 February also included a party with our Sunday School class. We always have such a great time together...Love...Love...Love this group of people!
 This is probably my favorite picture I captured this past month on my IPhone. I looked up and saw this in my rear view mirror, and immediately stopped and snapped this picture. Jasper thought he needed to ride along to pick up the boys from a science day field trip.
 Julia and Justin enjoyed a Daddy/Daughter Date night together. She totally loves having her dad to herself. He treated her to Mexican food.
 I have also spent LOTS of time baking and making an ample supply of elderberry syrup. We ran out for a few days.....then we got sick! Lesson learned, ALWAYS have syrup on hand.
We have a couple of big projects brewing around here, I can't wait to show you what we've been up to! I hope to post more on that next week!

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