Thursday, August 9, 2012

Looky Looky What I've Been Doing....

It's been crazy busy around here at our house while we have been taking in our garden harvest. So busy that I just don't have enough steam left at the end of the day to blog about it. So I'll play a little catch with you all today! Beginning last week, my tomatoes are coming on strong.
 I have been working on spaghetti sauce, some tomato juice, and salsa. I'm not sure what my over all total is at this point, but Tuesday I canned 17 quarts plus 19 pints of salsa!
 If I'm not canning up the garden goodness I've been cooking with it as much as possible!
 We also have added to our freezer this past week...bringing our total of meat chickens to around fifty, and we added almost 200 pounds of pork...yum!
 I have decided to wait on starting school with everyone until the garden is mostly finished. 
 Today is the first day of school for my two little ones.....the saw there new books yesterday and wanted to dive right in. So we enjoyed some yummy rhubarb and blueberry cobbler to start our day!
I'm going to continue to reap the blessings of our harvest, and I'll try to keep you updated on our progress along the way. If you don't hear from me....I'm probably standing and gawking at all the pretty jars on my shelves....LOVE IT!


Farmlife Chick said...

Good for you! It all looks great! I have been meaning to read this post, but like you we've been sooo busy with end of summer activities!

Unknown said...

Way to go!!!!
Looks so yummy.
Just in cause you missed it, Were doing a giveaway at our blog from Songs for Saplings. Come See

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