Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dominican Republic 2010

We just returned from 5 wonderful sunny days of the beach as our BFF! We went from mid 80's and sunny to home where is was 22 degrees and snow on the ground.....ohhhh well at least we got a little break in paradise! In case you are unaware of how totally and completly spoiled  we have been the last several years, let me fill you in. My husband is an outside saleman that sells cutting tools to machine shops. He has earned these wonderful trips for three years in a row now! I know kinda sicking isn't it? We have really appreciated these trips in every sense of the word and totally love our time away with just the two of us. Besides paying for my airfare we only spent around $20 on the whole time.....that $20 was mainly in tips for workers at the resort. I think it's totally awesome that when you go to these all inclusive places you literally don't have to spend hardly any money! (We also didn't buy any suveniors this year so that kept cost down.....wink.) Here are some of our pictures.....

Our view coming in...very mountainous....then a bit further in totally flat!
This is what our home away from home looked like
I love the sounds and the beautiful water! Pictures just don't do it justice.
This was at the welcome dinner for the company that we went with.
Justin had fun playing in the water!
While Justin played in the water I watched this guy search for treasures.
Eating out every night is pretty rough......
We broke away from the beach for a little while and played some mini-golf.
Justin totally killed me....I an NOT good at this game, but I had FUN!
Our last night at the resort..the Japanese restaurant was our favorite!

A special THANK YOU to all the wonderful and willing families who took their turn watching our kids while we were gone.


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